Partial Purchase Orders - Best Practice


Creating Partial PO: 

1. To sync a Partial PO, you'd first need to close the item that has been received. Click on the item that has been received under the product tab on the PO. 

You can enable this to auto-close by adjusting your settings in ConnectWise PSA. In ConnectWise PSA, Navigate to System > My Company > Scroll down to the Purchasing and Inventory Setup Options and select the"Auto-close fully received purchase order line items" option. This will allow the partial purchase orders to batch to QuickBooks Online. 

2. Next, you will enter the quantity received into the Received Quantity field. In this case, two have come in, so I entered 2. Then select Recieve.

3. After you have selected receive a pop-up will ask you if you will receive the remaining products later or if you wish to cancel the remaining products. This pop-up is important for Partial Receipts, as it controls where the remaining quantity is ordered from. If you answer yes, you're stating that the remaining quantity is still going to be shipped from the original vendor, and the product will remain on the same PO. If you select no, the remaining quantity will be canceled on this PO and will flow back to purchasing to be ordered from a different vendor. In this case, the remaining quantity is still going to come from the same vendor, so I clicked Yes. 

4. The purchase quantity is then adjusted to the received amount

5. When I click back to the Products tab list view, I see that the remaining Open quantity is now its own line item on the PO, so that I can receive it when it does arrive.

Syncing the Partial PO

1. Log into Mobius to Create an Inventory batch as you would with any other PO and sync the newly created particle PO. 


2. Once the PO has been synced to QuickBooks Online. This is how it should look.


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