How to obtain an API log file for Mobius



There are a few instances where our Support and Development teams may ask for you to retrieve API log files. These logs provide insights to how our integration is interacting with your ConnectWise PSA Instance.


1. In ConnectWise PSA - Navigate to System > Member > API Members: Select member ID for Mobius, choose API Logs at the top of the screen.

2. To obtain API logs, click on "Start debug mode" and enter the minutes we want to debug (usually 10 minutes is plenty)

3. Navigate to the Create Inventory Batch, Create Invoice Batch, or Create Expense Batch page as directed by our support team

4. Go back to ConnectWise API Logs tab and check the duration. If it does not show up, then it has not generated yet. 

5. Click the log file, then click Download Logs

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